
Let truth, beauty and love be your guide. Truth is found in the exaltation and protection of beauty. Beauty is like a pristine peak on the landscape of life; yet un-savaged by man's gruesome defilements. Simple truth is ever-awaiting under the patina of common falsehoods. And how can you know something as subjective as truth? You can know something is a lie when it has no love in it. Hence, truth is the spirit of all that is good and worthy through loving. Love has perfect eyes for beauty. Love can see the limitless beauty within self and within others. Love is open to all possibility. Every great master knew love as their only master. Love exalts because it is exalted. When you become love you become divine because love is divine. The self-realized spirit is merely a spirit emancipated from fear, judgement and knowing. When you feel lost turn towards love. Become a seeker of beauty in all things. Each moment has an unrealized dimension of beauty that only your perspective can liberate. When we become seekers of truth and beauty, we are creating truth and beauty. Your perspectives change your realities. Your vision determines your destination.

— Bryant McGill

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