
We must never forget that the world, as it is, is not a permanent reality, but is a temporary product of our choices as creators. We are sitting on top of a vast cultural and historical pyramid of accumulated misconceptions, lies and myths, built one on top of the other. Every symbol, word, concept, discipline and field is only a temporary rest stop on the highway of discovery. The highway of human possibility extends on forever into unknown territories, which have not yet been imagined. There are possibilities that exist beyond our present "knowing," and to see those possibilities, we must abandon that which makes us feel safe. Discovery requires courage and acceptance that we are not in control, and that the future is uncertain. The world is starving for original and decisive leadership. The world is starving for leaders who are not afraid to dismantle the sacred and precious, yet wretched beliefs, which hold us as prisoners of the past.

— Bryant McGill

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