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It took me decades to process the anger and fear from negative childhood experiences. One thing I have learned is that these experiences are just like poison. Once the experiences are put in you, they will remain in you, doing damage until they are processed and removed. The processing takes time and is different for each person. For me, the trauma resulted in self-destructive behaviors and a much delayed mature interface with life. Consciousness and mindfulness are good places to start. Avoid violent and dark entertainment, watch less TV, especially the "NEWS," and learn to meditate. Read spiritual, psychology and self-help books. Seek therapy with a kind and nurturing therapist — therapy can be a wonderful and fun path of self-discovery. A therapist is always a good option because we tend to not see things, or ourselves, clearly and honestly when we are in stressful and unhealthy mindsets or situations. Possibly get yourself in a support group. Learn to convert the pain into depths of understanding and compassion that you can share with others, which will give meaning to your seemingly senseless experiences. Stay committed to uncovering your beauty and getting to know yourself completely. This is your chance, and you deserve to experience all the good and amazing things life has to offer you. These are fundamental decisions you must make about your life. Only you can make these decisions for action. When you obtain inner-clarity within yourself you will then have clarity in your outer world, and you will realize you have options. Feeling like you have no options is one of the disillusionments we often have when we are being controlled by fear, money or circumstances of life. I want to remind you that you have endless opportunities! Once you obtain clarity and make your informed decisions, a way will be made for you in time. Stay strong and be good to yourself!
The beginning of all change starts with your intention the very moment you choose to no longer accept the "reality" you see before you. Do not underestimate the power in an individual's commitment to harnessing the power of their intention, which is a way for all people to be powerful. Express your intentions now, and become the powerful change the world needs to be healed — starting with yourself in your own life! Voice your greatest intentions and act upon them now!
Cynicism is one of the terrible obstacles to progress. Please lay down your cynicism, and believe in the transformational power of love. Dare to believe that good things are possible when you follow your heart. Your intentions are so powerful. Your personal declaration of will is the first step in a seemingly impossible journey. Now is the time for all humble, good-spirited servants, who believe that through love the world can be transformed into a sanctuary of abundance for all, to work together. The time has come.
People are in desperate need of your great belief, vision and goodwill. Vast regions of the world are now human slaughter houses, where deserving and once bright and hopeful eyes, now stare blankly toward the last hiding places deep within. Each of these worthy souls have been robbed by poverty, fear, and grotesque apathy. They exist as former humans, who should be delightfully moving through the sacrosanct journey of life with dignity, but are instead reduced to mere vessels of pain; they exist each relentless moment as vessels of pure misery.
Acknowledge that everything we have created in the world started as a tiny intention. We carry within us the enormity of possibility that gave birth to everything that has been made in the world. Let us now yearn for the possibility of building a happiness in every heart. Let us now build inward a new world of hope, a world of limitless possibilities for the children of tomorrow, where each soul can reach the heights of their potential to love and to be loved.
All things are possible through respect and kindness. Allow these words, my thoughts and feelings, to create within you a new concept of your own power — your power of kindness. Accept this transmission like a mind-virus or a program to run in your consciousness. As it has been said by so many people, you become your thoughts. You are first and foremost a creator, but most importantly, you are a creator of yourself. Meditate on these concepts and words, and then create a feeling of well-being and amenity within yourself. Develop your power of kindness and then use it to create immense goodwill in your own life, and in the lives of others.
By being beautiful and kind you are doing your part to create a more beautiful world. When you are kind to people in public you become a force for good, and you are teaching everyone who is watching you. People know love when they feel it; your heart speaks to their heart. People don't care what you say, only how you make them feel, so try to create pleasure for every person you encounter. If you do this, your life will change forever, along with the lives of those you have touched. We are both thinking and feeling creatures. We must, therefore, devote our lives not only to rationality, but also to kindness. There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy. Kindness is the supreme intelligence. Let your brilliance be expressed through kindness. If you can be kind to people, you will be a genius in this world.
We are all very fragile and feel alone at times. We are also very strong and are surrounded with community at times. Things change, but throughout your life you are the only constant. This is why it is important that you learn how to treat yourself kindly. Start with one act of kindness at a time — toward yourself. If you want to be respected start with yourself; respect yourself and love yourself. This you can do today even when others will not. How respectfully you treat yourself, is in time, reflected back from others more and more each day. It always begins with you.
One of the best ways to show our caring is to allow everyone and everything to simply be — through respect. Respect is the universal currency that is accepted everywhere and by everyone. The answer to so many of our problems is greater understanding and compassion. The power of "getting to know one another" is so immense, eclipsed only by first getting to know ourselves. Carefully question the sources of your deepest animosity toward your perceived enemies, they may not be enemies at all. Many of our conflicts are cultivated between us by manipulation to misdirect our attention and to control us. We are all being played against one-another, and our hate is produced. Our inner-most truth is love. Anyone can be kind to someone they like, but the real test is can you be kind to people you don't like? When we become acquainted with any person on a human level, even a great enemy, we begin to see that no person is really so different from ourselves. We are all frail-embodied creatures, who at times suffer through injustice, abuse, illness, pain and misfortune. We are all imperfect and make mistakes. We all struggle. We all feel pain. We all have wishes and hopes. Hate offers the world no hope — only love can do that. Wish for the happiness of your enemies, for if they are happy, they are your enemy no more.
Don't underestimate your power of influence. In today's world, any average effort or caring is a triumph. Simple caring and simple effort are heroic strivings. Those who have attained wisdom from the difficulties intrinsic to every life — can and should try to be there for others. Like experienced midwives, we should all assist those who are inexperienced in the painful birthing of psychological maturity and greater spiritual consciousness. This is the least we can do; lead people from their darkness with the light of our caring.

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