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You carry the environment of your mind everywhere you go.
Whose excuses are you more tired of; theirs or yours?
Justice that burns us all down to hell is no justice at all.
Knowledge is one of the most ineffective tools.
People don't want to fight; they just want to be heard.
Transparency IS training.
I don't measure my success in happiness.
When we lose the head game, we lose the whole game.
Remember that all seemingly singular dyads have two parts or poles, which are central to all dialectical polemics — or war. Highly sophisticated forms of control (erosions of true freedom) are brilliantly and fiendishly co-cultivated through the misguiding of contradictions and opposing speech models — all carefully witchcrafted as so-called, "freedom of speech." This is how even the smartest people are imprisoned through the spells and myths of "freedom."
You feel crazy because the world is crazy. This is how all the beautiful and innocent people feel.

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