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No belief or idea is sacred, unless it treats all people as sacred.
No nation's flag is great or glorious if it flies over the weak and downtrodden, even if they raise and protect it out of misguided allegiance.
No political body is sacred, sustainable or under protection, which allows the exploitation of its weakest citizens.
No marketplace, free or otherwise, is good when it fails to consider the basic human state of needs at every stage of life.
Without love and compassion, nothing is sacred.
The most deadly silent killer of passive violence, is the everyday social menacing of people into silence.
Any act of violence creates resentment and resistance, because humans were meant to be free.
Respect is that great spirit of good, which creates the beautiful space giving all souls the simple room to breathe.
Respect is the lifeblood of progress, and the safe harbor of humanity's great aspiration.
We are all frail-embodied creatures, who at times suffer through injustice, abuse, illness, pain and misfortune.

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