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Today I call upon my Higher Power to lift me above my fears, insecurities and doubts that keep me trapped in an unhealthy life.
Today I call upon my Higher Power to mend my broken heart and ease the pain; to move forward in my new life with the courage to embrace the joy I deserve.
Today, I call upon my Higher Power to deliver me from the impossible to the possible; from darkness to light, and from fear to courage.
Today I call upon my Higher Power to reveal to me — my own deceptions. Give me the courage to see myself truthfully so I may heal, grow and thrive through humility.
Today I call upon my Higher Power to help me accept that I am lovable. Because I was once unloved and deprived of affection, I learned to not love myself and to deprive myself. Each day I am moving closer to love in all its forms. I am worthy of loving and being loved.
Today I call upon my Higher Power to help me get through one more day. Help me have gratitude in the face of scarcity, strength in my private struggles and the wisdom to live a good life for myself and others.
Today I call upon my Higher Power to help me lay down my cynicisms and believe in the goodness of people and the world. I ask for my innocence to be restored and my faith in possibility to be renewed.
Today I call upon my Higher Power to help me unleash the power of creativity and discernment in my life. Help me wisely create a more beautiful life one guided decision at a time.
When you speak and affirm, you are creating a verbal contract with yourself.
Develop your power of kindness and then use it to create immense goodwill in your own life, and in the lives of others.

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