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The path we are on could lead to a frightening dystopian future. It is an ancient story being re-written by a new generation of misguided oligarchists, who have also lost their way on the beautiful path of life. In so many ways we are still in the dark ages, but there is light appearing over the horizon of choice and consciousness. People have moments of consciousness and epiphanies throughout their lives, but then suppress the realization. This is because the system has already anticipated the freedom seeking mechanism in humans, and a micro control-coup takes place almost instantly because of deeply implanted economic and social fear factors. The system has endless contingencies in place to keep the monopoly game players moving around the board that was designed by the top-hat wearing monopoly makers. If you move your piece around the pre-scripted board, collect $200 dollars, if you break a rule, go to jail. We must quit playing the game altogether.
The answer to so many of our problems is greater literacy, community and compassion. The power of "getting to know one another" is so immense, eclipsed only by first getting to know ourselves. Meeting another human is always a sacred event. We must become reacquainted with our true human selves, and not the modern avatar of a "person": a commoditized, corporatized, homogenized, zombified, denatured, consumer-worker drone. Humans have become speculative commodities incarnate, with their life force as a gross product traded on the open markets. And like monetary cyborgs, our human resource currency is mixed and bundled with exotic financial instruments to the extent that no one really knows where the product ends and the human begins. We have lost our humanity to the decimal point. Through a financial coup d'etat over the human soul, we have lost our purpose, and many people see no way to escape the endless manipulation and coercion of modern life, which controls us through the fear of "losing everything"; mostly created and false needs. The total commoditization of the natural world has placed a veritable lien against the spirit of nature, and plagued once beautiful cities with capitalist eyesores, such as billboards and advertisements, which now appear on cars, houses, and even people.
Lust for possession and greed has ravaged the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasizing throughout society in the form of a nouveau post-human, consumer hedonism. The dark war-consciousness and pride have seized upon the weak, with great cynicisms and glib, soulless intellects, that grind away like robotic gears at what they despise and can never understand. Kindness is seen as weakness and intelligence worshiped, even when that intelligence allows unfathomable injustice and suffering to occur under its smart watch. There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy. Kindness is the supreme intelligence. Let your brilliance be expressed through kindness. If you can be kind to people, you will be a genius in this world. When we become acquainted with any person on a human level, even a great enemy, we begin to see that no person is really so different from ourselves. Wish for the happiness of your enemies, for if they are happy, they are your enemy no more.
When we see people without their basic needs being met, who are living in squalor and poverty, a part of us looks down in shame, with the quiet knowing that things are not right in the world. We feel shameful about these disparities in quality of life, because we know that there are enough resources for everyone. We know that when we allow abusiveness toward people, creatures, or the environment, we abuse the one hope that we could be responsible, good stewards of justice, and have high human comportment. The lowest human choice form is careless and selfish, but the high human choice form is the touch of graceful leadership toward all that is good and safe. The highest human choice of thought-form is love.
Our minds have been poisoned and our accepted beliefs are unnatural and artificial. Every person's true identity is beautiful, and much of the ugliness we observe in others was put inside of them by external influences. We all know the true beauty of people everywhere, because we have all looked into the eyes of children, and saw ourselves looking back. When someone is suffering, there is a deep, visceral reaction in the core of our being, a flood of empathy and a frightfully desperate compulsion to give aid. When we see a person in physical crisis laying with a broken body and their blood pouring out, our deepest, most urgent instinct is to rush to them, and put our hands upon their wounds and comfort them. When someone is emotionally upset and crying, nothing is right in our own world. Our truest nature is to be helpful to others, and to protect and love them. We care about people, and delight in seeing others happy and safe. We see this on a large scale in the aftermath of a catastrophe; the world population is deeply touched by the images of suffering, and many rush to help financially or in person, when there is a tsunami or earthquake. When we see someone laughing, our spirits rise, and the laughter comes pouring into our own souls, and we find ourselves helplessly smiling. When we witness someone commit an act of kindness or selflessness, our emotions are stirred and we are touched by the high, noble spirit of what we know is the greatest truth — that we care about others, and delight in seeing others happy and safe.
The battlefields of life were first meadows and gardens. We made them into battlefields, and by the same power, we must release the dark spell, so they are meadows and gardens once again. Through our nobler thought choices, we must reclaim the physical and metaphorical lands of opportunity, and build peaceful gardens in our hearts, communities and throughout the world. The truth is now as it was yesterday, and as it always will be, that the world is — as we are. The outer world is a reflection of our inner selves. We must always strive to reflect the highest vision of ourselves. We must endeavor to create cooperative societies. We must throw out the old, fear-based thought-forms and evolve, and begin to live as higher beings of compassion. All discomfort comes from suppressing your true identity.
State worship is an essential part of every government's command and control, from the tiniest banana republics, to imperialist hegemons like America. This is why nationalism, patriotism, and national identity are continuously reinforced. Nationalism as we know it, is the result of a form of state-sponsored branding. The national identity is a consumer identity. Like Manchurian candidates, we have been made into Manchurian consumers, who subconsciously buy when we are triggered by our brand masters. Every state's emblematic propaganda is worshiped by the consumer-citizen as a super-logo; a brand Juggernaut. Patriotism is merely deeply-rooted government brand loyalty. Modern national pride is the culmination of a lifetime public relations campaign of psychological mind-control techniques. These techniques involve an immersive theme-ride like experience of created and manipulated histories, flags, symbols, icons, heroes, theme songs, and repetitive pledges. National identity acts as a consumer lever to manipulate the emotions of the masses, for the purposes of power regulation and the fulfillment of agenda. The existence of excessive nationalism is a symptom of a deeper problem in the collective consciousness, which is continually being exploited. The inherent prejudice in unnaturally-produced nationalism causes a form of cultural blindness, which prevents us from seeing the obvious ways we could co-exist in the world as a co-operative human family. There is a grand union beyond nationalism which reveres all people, and which is rooted in what is real, versus what has been created or produced. His-story has shown that nations and governments come and go, but people remain, and therefore people are the ultimate foundation of what is real and worthy of our collective recognition, respect, and protection. Instead of narrowing our allegiances to only include our favored nation, let us sing an anthem to the marvelous human being. Let us fly the flag of sisterhood, brotherhood and oneness. Let us raise our hands to our hearts in the revelry and glory of friendship, respect, and common decency.
Most group distinctions are artificial thought-forms, that only exist because we bring them into being through choice. Our restrictive and judgmental ideas about difference, are based on lifelong conditioning and groupthink, and are perpetuated by consensus reality and mob mentality. Any intellectual recognition of legitimately perceivable groups, absent the goal of mutual improvement is ignorance, and an exercise of useless reason. Class warfare, racism, sexual chauvinism, gender inequality, excessive nationalism, religious God wars, xenophobia, genocide, and ethnic cleansing are all the offspring of artificial group distinctions, or unnatural emphasis being placed upon naturally observable groups. When we assemble any force of thought or action, not for peace, and without consideration for the greatest good of all people, and which does not amplify the immutable truth of universal human commonality, we fail tragically.
The greatest problem with capitalism as an economic system is when the privately owned means of production are operated solely for profit, and only within the battlefield of a competitive market. A kinder system of commerce, which has no name and is yet to be invented by the ingenious human mind would be more helpful to human beings, by considering a true profit to only be that production which benefits the greater good of all, to some degree, and cooperation to be a higher moral principle than competition. This is of course not solely a problem with capitalism itself, but with human nature. It is therefore the consciousness of the individual that must be elevated and expanded to a greater scope of compassion, commonality, kinship, and cooperation. We must rethink our present concepts of difference.
The current programs are domination, greed, forced territorial expansion, hoarding, and resource appropriation for the advantage of one group, to the absolute exclusion of others. The ways we seek conquest and competitive dominance over others is violence against the high spirit of sharing, cooperation, and human commonality. Our illness arises out of the perverse need for competitive gain, even if it means taking advantage of others through marginalization, passive violence, and violation of universal human rights. At its extreme height, our dark lust for competitive domination leads us to complicit acts of murder from-a-distance, through tax-supported militarism in often unnecessary wars. At its least vulgar manifestation, we simply see presence of basic unfairness that certainly could be creatively improved upon.

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